
The state of ecommerce trust in 2024

The following data is based on responses from over 550 US consumers surveyed in 2024.

97% of consumers are concerned about shopping on unfamiliar sites
87% of consumers are concerned about the potential misuse of AI in online shopping environments
An all-time high 90% of consumers are concerned about identity theft

How concerned are you about providing personal information (e.g., credit card, address, phone number) when shopping online at each of the following types of websites?

Stolen credit card information is the number one concern

What is your biggest concern when shopping online?

90% of consumers have abandoned carts due to concerns

Have you ever started to purchase an item online only to abandon the purchase because of any of the following concerns?

Discover the top visitor concerns at every stage of the buyer’s journey with our free ebook.
Download Ebook
20 pages | Free

Third-party verification of claims can increase sales

of consumers are more likely to trust an unfamiliar site that displays a trust badge than one that doesn’t.

Which of the following statements verified by a third-party entity would increase the likelihood of making a purchase on an unfamiliar site?


We surveyed over 550 consumers in the United States through Survey Monkey Audiences in 2024. Answer choices appeared in a random order for each respondant. This survey repeated questions from surveys in 2018, 2020, and 2022.